Elections: let abstention become desertion
This article is a anarchist response to the Elections in Italy by a member of FAI Italy. Italian original: Elezioni:
Continue readingThis article is a anarchist response to the Elections in Italy by a member of FAI Italy. Italian original: Elezioni:
Continue readingDownload PDF version Original post: 23rd September 2022 See also: Interview with Iranian anarchists about the uprising by Black Rose/Rosa
Continue readingAnarchist roots: experiences and popular struggles. Invitation: Eight years ago, the Anarchist League in Rio de Janeiro held the 1st
Continue readingMonthly radioshow of the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network. Episode 59. With the following content: call out for the week
Continue readingStatement of the Fédération Anarchiste (French-speaking Anarchist Federation, FA) adopted at the 80th Congress in Merlieux on 6 June 2022.
Continue readingRead also: critical response by the Czech-Slovak Anarchist Federation (CSAF-IFA). Motion approved at the 31st Congress of the FAI in
Continue readingThis article is from the Anarchist Federation’s Organise! magazine issue 96, Spring/Summer 2022, written 26th April. Also: Read last issue
Continue readingLa traducción al castellano está abajo. Di seguito la traduzione in italiano. Lire ci-dessous en français. Leia abaixo em português.
Continue readingOriginal article: https://umanitanova.org/event/milano-contro-le-politiche-guerrafondaie-delleni-contro-tutte-le-guerre/ (English translation below) L’Italia è in guerra. I governi che si sono succeduti hanno coperto le operazioni
Continue readingOriginal article in Umanita Nova: https://umanitanova.org/verso-le-radiose-giornate-di-maggio-il-militarismo-in-azione/ (26/03/2022). “Radiant Days of May” is an ironic reference that the author makes to
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