Chamado à solidariedade com o Centro Social e Biblioteca Libertária ABRA de Cuba – Call for solidarity with the ABRA Social Center of Cuba

By A.N.A. on 25 de Julho de 2024, via comrades in FAM.

English translation: Call for solidarity with the ABRA Social Center of Cuba.

From Cuba comrades of the ABRA social centre send us a message to request solidarity support from international anarchism to maintain their premises and be able to continue with their activities.
The importance of an anarchist social centre within a full dictatorship cannot be omitted, so it is of utmost importance that we stand together to the extent of our possibilities.
Message from ABRA:

“The ABRA Social Center and Libertaria Library, the only explicitly anarchist space in Cuba, will complete 6 years of being acquired and founded, thanks to international anarchist solidarity.”
“Currently some parts of the two-storey house are suffering from cracks and leaks, which needs a repair for which we do not have our own resources to carry out and for that we seek your help”

To contribute to the ABRA Social Center the money will be collected to the following account in Mexico:

Beneficiary: Felipe Matias Reyes
CLABE: 646069206840161874
Card number: 5428780122809395
Institution : STP

You can collaborate from any country, just put “Solidarity” in reference to have an accurate control of the solidarity support you enter.

Solidarity is our best weapon.