May Day reports from Italy, and Turkey – primi report arrivati del primo maggio
Questi i primi report arrivati dalle tante piazze del primo maggio. Il comunicato della Cdc della FAI “Primo maggio in piazza contro il governo” è stato diffuso in molte delle iniziative e vari striscioni e slogan comuni fra cui “Le nostre vite contro i loro profitti” hanno caratterizzato la presenza delle anarchiche e degli anarchici della FAI ma non solo. Maggiori informazioni sugli eventi sul sito web di Umanita Nova
These are the first reports from the many city squares in Italy on May 1st. A communiqué was distributed for the FAI “May Day in the streets against the government”, Amongst the various banners and common slogans was “Our lives against their profits”. Read more about the events on the website of Umanita Nova (in Italian):
It is also reported, via the AF website, news of the May Day 2021 actions from the DAF in Turkey where 19 anarchist comrades were arrested for participating in demonstrations after these were banned by the state (see featured photo above).
Finally, read this May Day statement from the APO in Greece (in English):
May Day 2021 in Milan